Python tutorials

Functional Programming in Python: When and How to Use It

Functional programming is a programming paradigm in which the primary method of computation is evaluation of functions. In this tutorial, you’ll explore functional programming in Python. Functional programming typically plays a fairly small role in Python code. But it’s good to be familiar with it. At a minimum, you’ll probably encounter it from time to time when reading code written by others. You may even find situations where it’s advantageous to use Python’s functional programming capabilities in your own code. […]

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Python & APIs: A Winning Combo for Reading Public Data

Knowing how to consume an API is one of those magical skills that, once mastered, will crack open a whole new world of possibilities, and consuming APIs using Python is a great way to learn such a skill. A lot of apps and systems you use on a daily basis are connected to an API. From very simple and mundane things, like checking the weather in the morning, to more addictive and time-consuming actions, such as scrolling through your Instagram, […]

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Dictionaries and Arrays: Selecting the Ideal Data Structure

There are a variety of ways of storing and managing data in your Python programs, and the choice of the right data structure will affect the readability of your code, ease of writing, and performance. Python has a wide variety of built-in mechanisms that meet most of your data structure needs. This course introduces you to two types of data structures: dictionaries and arrays. There are multiple types and classes for both of these data structures and this course discusses […]

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Brython: Python in Your Browser

If you’re a web developer who prefers writing Python over JavaScript, then Brython, a Python implementation that runs in the browser, may be an appealing option. JavaScript is the de facto language of front-end web development. Sophisticated JavaScript engines are an inherent part of all modern Internet browsers and naturally drive developers to code front-end web applications in JavaScript. Brython offers the best of both worlds by making Python a first-class citizen language in the browser and by having access […]

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Python and MongoDB: Connecting to NoSQL Databases

Python is a powerful programming language used for many different types of applications within the development community. Many know it as a flexible language that can handle just about any task. So, what if our complex Python application needs a database that’s just as flexible as the language itself? This is where NoSQL, and specifically MongoDB, come in to play. Throughout this article we’ll show you how to use Python to interface with the popular MongoDB (v3.4.0) database, along with […]

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Introduction to MongoDB and Python

Python is a powerful programming language used for many different types of applications within the development community. Many know it as a flexible language that can handle just about any task. So, what if our complex Python application needs a database that’s just as flexible as the language itself? This is where NoSQL, and specifically MongoDB, come in to play. Throughout this article we’ll show you how to use Python to interface with the popular MongoDB (v3.4.0) database, along with […]

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A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Become an Industry Ready Data Science Professional

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have taken the world by storm. From face recognition cameras, smart personal assistants to self-driven cars. We are moving towards a world enhanced by these recent upcoming technologies. It’s the most exciting time to be in this career field! The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to grow to $400 billion by the year 2025. From Startups to big organizations, all want to join […]

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Guide to Flask-MongoEngine in Python

Introduction Building a web app almost always means dealing with data from a database. There are various databases to choose from, depending on your preference. In this guide, we shall be taking a look at how to integrate one of the most popular NoSQL databases – MongoDB – with the Flask micro-framework. In this guide, we’ll be exploring how to integrate MongoDB with Flask using a popular library – MongoEngine, and more specifically, its wrapper – Flask-MongoEngine. Alternatively, you can […]

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Sentiment Analysis: VADER or TextBlob?

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. What Is Sentiment Analysis? Conclusions are integral to practically all human exercises and are key influencers of our practices. Our convictions and impression of the real world, and the decisions we make, are, to an impressive degree, molded upon how others see and assess the world. Therefore, when we have to settle on a choice, we regularly search out the assessments of others. Opinions and their related concepts […]

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Sentiment Analysis: Predicting Sentiment Of COVID-19 Tweets

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Hi folks, I hope you are doing well in these difficult times! We all are going through the unprecedented time of the Corona Virus pandemic. Some people lost their lives, but many of us successfully defeated this new strain i.e. Covid-19. The virus was declared a pandemic by World Health Organization on 11th March 2020. This article will analyze various types of “Tweets” gathered during pandemic times. […]

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