Python tutorials

Python: Check if Variable is a String

Introduction Python is a dynamically typed language, and the variable data types are inferred without explicit intervention by the developer. If we had code that requires a string to work correctly but lacked type hints, which are optional, how can we avoid errors if the variable used is not a string? In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to check if a variable is a string in Python, using the type() and isinstance() functions, as well as the […]

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Seaborn Line Plot – Tutorial and Examples

Introduction Seaborn is one of the most widely used data visualization libraries in Python, as an extension to Matplotlib. It offers a simple, intuitive, yet highly customizable API for data visualization. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to plot a Line Plot in Seaborn – one of the most basic types of plots. Line Plots display numerical values on one axis, and categorical values on the other. They can typically be used in much the same way […]

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New Features: Article Bookmarks, Completion Status, and Search Improvements

With close to 2,000 Python tutorials and video lessons in the Real Python content library, it was getting harder and harder for learners to find the right resources at the right time. To fix that, we’ve just launched out several new features to help you easily find and review the learning resources you’re looking for. Here’s what’s new: Article Completion Status and Bookmarks Just like with courses and course lessons, you can now bookmark written tutorials and mark them as […]

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Navigating Namespaces and Scope in Python

In a program of any complexity, you’ll create hundreds or thousands of names, each pointing to a specific object. How does Python keep track of all these names so that they don’t interfere with one another? This course covers Python namespaces, the structures used to organize the symbolic names assigned to objects in a Python program. In this course, you’ll learn: How Python organizes symbolic names and objects in namespaces When Python creates a new namespace How namespaces are implemented […]

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Beginners Guide to Regular Expressions in Natural Language Processing

Introduction Regular Expressions is very popular among programmers and can be applied in many programming languages like Java, JS, php, C++, etc. Regular Expressions are useful for numerous practical day-to-day tasks that a data scientist encounters. It is one of the key concepts of Natural Language Processing that every NLP expert should be proficient in. Regular Expressions are used in various tasks such as data pre-processing, rule-based information mining systems, pattern matching, text feature engineering, web scraping, data extraction, etc. […]

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Serializing Objects With the Python pickle Module

As a developer, you may sometimes need to send complex object hierarchies over a network or save the internal state of your objects to a disk or database for later use. To accomplish this, you can use a process called serialization, which is fully supported by the standard library thanks to the Python pickle module. In this course, you’ll learn: What it means to serialize and deserialize an object Which modules you can use to serialize objects in Python Which […]

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Django Admin Customization

The Django framework comes with a powerful administrative tool called admin. You can use it out of the box to quickly add, delete, or edit any database model from a web interface. But with a little extra code, you can customize the Django admin to take your admin capabilities to the next level. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Add attribute columns in the model object list Link between model objects Add filters to the model object list Make […]

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Building HTTP APIs With Django REST Framework

REST is a loosely defined protocol for listing, creating, changing, and deleting data on your server over HTTP. The Django REST framework (DRF) is a toolkit built on top of the Django web framework that reduces the amount of code you need to write to create REST HTTP API interfaces. In this course you’ll learn about: The REST protocol DRF Serializers and how to use them with Django objects Using Django views and DRF ViewSet classes to create REST end-points […]

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Managing Python Dependencies

Managing Python Dependencies is your “one-stop shop” for picking up modern Python dependency management practices and workflows with minimal time investment. The course consists of 32 bite-sized video lessons, each focusing on a single concept. Progressing through the course, you’ll quickly build up a comprehensive knowledge of dependency management best practices in Python at your own, comfortable pace. Along the way, you’ll see hands on examples and step-by-step workflows that reinforce the skills you’re learning. By the end, you’ll know […]

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Introduction to Sorting Algorithms in Python

Sorting is a basic building block that many other algorithms are built upon. It’s related to several exciting ideas that you’ll see throughout your programming career. Understanding how sorting algorithms in Python work behind the scenes is a fundamental step toward implementing correct and efficient algorithms that solve real-world problems. In this course, you’ll learn: How different sorting algorithms in Python work and how they compare under different circumstances How Python’s built-in sort functionality works behind the scenes How different […]

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