Currently proof-of-concept with python

Currently proof-of-concept This project is a small POC plugin for launching dumpulator emulation within IDA, passing it addresses from your IDA view using the context menu. Find the amazing dumpulator project by @mrexodia at link Configure You can now go to Edit -> Plugins -> Dumpulate and this will prompt you to select your dump file Currently only allows you to: For the example file found here you can Set your call address and choose a number of arguments to […]

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Proof of concept GnuCash Webinterface

This may one day be a something truly great. [ ] Browse accounts and view transactions [ ] Record simple transactions with a smartphone pip install -r requirements.txt export FLASK_ENV=development flask run This is (currently) a personal project to play around and satisfy my own everyday needsand intellectual curiosity. Who knows what will become of it? GitHub    

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RSA Cryptography Authentication Proof-of-Concept

This project was a request by Structured Programming lectures in Computer Science college. It runs with both a Python front-end CLI structure and API Endpoints running with Flask. Features This application does feature a simple authentication concept with encryption over the data transfered between the client and the endpoint. User registration User authentication Requirements Python v3.0 or greater is required. This project was    

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