Lottery Purchase Prediction Model

Lottery Purchase Prediction Model Objective and Goal Predict the lottery type that the user in the session will buy, using the discrete features from the user face image and user’s historical purchase data. Recommend lottery types to users and improve the order conversion rate, in order to increase sales revenue. Data Source The feature from the user face image in the Session (from Baidu Face Recognition API): Beauty, Expression, Emotion, Face ID (optional, only for old users) Other features from […]

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Coding Club prediction ig

Coding Club prediction ig Basically:Create an application that displays trendsShould implement a graph (either bar or line)Should take input parameters into accountList of parameters:Has it been tweeted aboutHow many followers does the tweeter haveAre they verifiedIs their tweet positive or negative (this will be hard to algorithmically tell)Prices of other coins/predicted future prices of other coinsStock market prosperityPast trendsAmount in circulationUser should be able to mouse over graph and see specific data pointsShould be able to calculate profits/lossesShould take user […]

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