Simulate & classify transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) spectral features for bulk semiconducting materials (Post-DFT)

PyTASER is a Python (3.9+) library and set of command-line tools for classifying spectral features in bulk materials, post-DFT. The goal of this library is to provide qualitative comparisons for experimental TAS spectra – a complex and tedious process, especially for pristine materials. The main features include: An interactive TAS spectrum for a pristine semiconducting material Isolating spectra for individual band transitions from the overall TAS spectrum for the material. Spectra in different conditions: temperature, carrier concentrations (analogous to pump-probe […]

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POPPY: Physical Optics Propagation in Python

POPPY (Physical Optics Propagation in Python) is a Python package that simulates physical optical propagation including diffraction. It implements a flexible framework for modeling Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction and point spread function formation, particularly in the context of astronomical telescopes. POPPY was developed as part of a simulation package for the James Webb Space Telescope, but is more broadly applicable to many kinds of imaging simulations. It is not, however, a substitute for high fidelity optical design software such as […]

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