Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python

Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python. Analyzing Earth Observation (EO) data is complex and solutions often require custom tailored algorithms. In the EO domain most problems come with an additional challenge: How do we apply the solution on a larger scale? Working with EO data is made easy by the eo-learn package, while the eo-grow package takes care of running the solutions at a large scale. In eo-grow an EOWorkflow based solution is wrapped in a pipeline object, […]

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A toolbox for processing earth observation data with Python

eo-box eobox is a Python package with a small collection of tools for working with Remote Sensing / Earth Observation data. Package Overview So far, the following subpackages are available: eobox.sampledata contains small sample data that can be used for playing around and testing. eobox.raster contains raster processing tools for extracting raster values at given (by vector data) locations, window- / chunk-wise processing of multiple single layer rasterfiles that do not fit in memory, e.g. calculating virtual time series and […]

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