Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in February 2023

There were plenty of interesting pre-prints on arXiv in February. Here is a brief summary of three that I think are cool but could get lost in the hundreds of papers that went public. The unreasonable effectiveness of few-shot learning for machine translation Folks from Google experimented with few-shot MT based on language-model. Instead of using one of the cool huge language models we all know, they train their smaller ones. They prepare specific bi- and tri-lingual LMs (8B parameters; […]

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Questions and answers about ChatGPT and large language models

There’s been a lot of media coverage of ChatGPT and language models lately, and I feel like not everything is being said quite right. That’s why I have prepared some questions and answers that hopefully help clarify what they are talking about. Questions: What is a (large) language model? What is ChatGPT? Are GPT-3.5 and ChatGPT the best things out there? Are there any available alternatives, ideally open source? How can ChatGPT speak multiple languages? Does it use machine translation? […]

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Otázky a odpovědi o ChatGPT a velkých jazykových modelech

Poslední dobou se v médiích poměrně často píše o ChatGPT a jazykových modelech a mám pocit, že ne úplně všechno se říká úplně správně. Proto jsem připravil několik otázek a odpovědí, které snad pomůžou vyjasnit, o čem se to vlastně mluví. Otázky: Co je to (velký) jazykový model? Co je to ChatGPT? Je GPT-3.5 a ChatGPT to nejlepší, co existuje? Jsou nějaké dostupné alternativy, ideálně open source? Jaktože umí ChatGPT česky, používá strojový překlad? Kde se berou znalosti, které má ChatGPT? […]

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Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in December 2022 and January 2023

Here is what I found interesting on arXiv in December 2022 and January 2023. At the beginning of January, there a relatively few new pre-prints in general. But now it is catching momentum again, with more papers appearing every day. BLOOM+1: Adding Language Support to BLOOM for Zero-Shot Prompting In this paper, folks from the Big Science Workshop elaborate on how to add language support to the already trained BLOOM model. They tried two approaches: MAD-X (clever stuff with adapters, […]

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Why don’t people use character-level MT? – One year later

In this post, I comment on our (i.e., myself, Helmut Schmid and Alex Fraser) year-old paper “Why don’t people use character-level machine translation,” published in Findings of ACL 2022. Here, I will (besides briefly summarizing the paper’s main message) mostly comment on what I learned while working on the one-year-later perspective, focusing more on what I would do differently now. If you are interested in the exact research content, read the paper or watch a 5-minute presentation. Paper TL;DR Doing […]

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Notes from EMNLP 2022

Last week I was at EMNLP in Abu Dhabi. Besides losing my passport and figuring out what to do on such an occasion (many thanks to the personnel of the Czech embassy in Abu Dhabi), I had plenty of interesting conversations and saw many interesting posters. When I was at my first NLP conference 8 years ago, I was amazed by the papers presented at the conference and returned with a long list of ideas of what I should try […]

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Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in November 2022

Here are my monthly highlights from paper machine translation and multilinguality that appeared on arXiv in November 2022. A preprint with 19 authors from 13 institutions presents something like the T0 model: but instead of starting with the (more or less) monolingual T5 model, they use multilingual BLOOM and mT5 and call the resulting model BLOOMZ and mT0. The main idea is finetuning the underlying model (or the foundation model?) on as many tasks as possible so that the model […]

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Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in October 2022

Here are my monthly highlights from paper machine translation and multilinguality that appeared on arXiv, many of them preprints from the upcoming EMNLP conference. Folks from Amazon published a pre-print that introduces a simple method of how to make pre-trained multilingual representation more robust towards noisy inputs. It is a very straightforward approach: they sample typos based on Wikipedia logs and use those during model training. In addition, they add a contrastive loss that forces the noisy versions of sentences […]

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Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality 02/2022

After 100 MT Weekly posts (which took me 130 weeks to write), I realized that weekly blogging is impossible while weekly teaching. So I decided to change the format of the post and write monthly summaries of what I found most interesting in machine translation and multilinguality. This is the first issue that summarizes what interesting happened in February. Exciting news about WMT There will be some exciting changes in WMT competitions. WMT is an annual conference on machine translation […]

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Highlights from Machine Translation and Multilinguality in March 2022

Here is a monthly summary of what I found most interesting on arXiv this month from machine translation and mutlilinguality. This month was the camera-ready deadline for ACL 2022, so many of the interesting papers are accepted to ACL. Overlapping BPE When training, BPE merges actually do not have to follow the simple objective of merging the most frequent token pair. In massively multilingual models, there is an imbalance between languages, and some of them got segmented almost down to […]

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