Super easy library for BERT based NLP models with python

Fast-Bert Supports LAMB optimizer for faster training. Please refer to for the paper on LAMB optimizer. Supports BERT and XLNet for both Multi-Class and Multi-Label text classification. Fast-Bert is the deep learning library that allows developers and data scientists to train and deploy BERT and XLNet based models for natural language processing tasks beginning with Text Classification. The work on FastBert is built on solid foundations provided by the excellent Hugging Face BERT PyTorch library and is inspired by […]

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Extract phrase in the given text that is used to express the sentiment

Extract phrase in the given text that is used to express the sentiment. Capturing sentiment in language is important in these times where decisions and reactions are created and updated in seconds. But, which words actually lead to the sentiment description? This project aims to solve this problem. Powered using Pytorch + hugggingface Try it out. git clone cd twitter-emotions sudo docker build –tag twitter-emotions:api . sudo docker run -p 9999:9999 -it twitter-emotions:api python twitteremotions/ Server will start running […]

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A PyTorch Lightning solution to training CLIP from scratch

train-CLIP A PyTorch Lightning solution to training CLIP from scratch. Usage 🚂 This training setup is easily usable right outside the box! Simply provide a training directory or your own dataset and we’ve got the rest covered. To train a model just specify a name from the paper name and tell us your training folder and batch size. All possible models can be seen in the yaml files in models/config python –model_name RN50 –folder data_dir –batchsize 512 Training with […]

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A framework for highlighting and correcting grammatical errors on natural language text

Gramformer Human and machine generated text often suffer from grammatical and/or typographical errors. It can be spelling, punctuation, grammatical or word choice errors. Gramformer is a library that exposes 3 seperate interfaces to a family of algorithms to detect, highlight and correct grammar errors. To make sure the corrections and highlights recommended are of high quality, it comes with a quality estimator. You can use Gramformer in one or more areas mentioned under the “use-cases” section below or any other […]

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A process to convert any text into voice with python

Text to speech (using Python) Text to speech is a process to convert any text into voice. Text to speech project takes words on digital devices and convert them into audio. Here I have used Google-text-to-speech library popularly known as gTTS library to convert text file to .mp3 file. The gTTS library supports several languages including English, Hindi, Tamil, French, German and many more. And before getting started in this project you have to install couple of python libraries like […]

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Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval

AI City 2021 The 1st Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2021 Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval Track (Alibaba-UTS submission) We have two codebases. For the final submission, we conduct the feature ensemble, where features are from two codebases. Part One is at here: Part Two is at here: Prepare Preprocess the dataset to prepare frames, motion maps, NLP augmentation scripts/ is a Python script that is used to extract frames. scripts/ is a Python script that is used to […]

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Unsupervised technique to Glossary and Definition Extraction

Automatic-Glossary-Generation The projects lets you extract glossary words and their definitions from a given piece of text automatically using NLP techniques Code Files GPT2-DefinitionModel.ipynb – GPT-2 model for definition generation. Data_Generator.ipynb – Data Scraper from GoodReads and GradeSaver Definition_Extraction.ipynb – WordNet model for definition generation. Glossary_Extraction.ipynb – Chinking strategy pipeline for selection of glossary terms. GitHub    

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Identify the emotion of multiple speakers in an Audio Segment

MevonAI-Speech-Emotion-Recognition Identify the emotion of multiple speakers in a Audio Segment Getting Started Follow the Below Instructions for setting the project up on your local Machine. Installation Create a python virtual environment sudo apt install python3-venv mkdir mevonAI cd mevonAI python3 -m venv mevon-env source mevon-env/bin/activate Clone the repo git clone Install Dependencies cd MevonAI-Speech-Emotion-Recognition/ cd src/ sudo chmod +x ./ Running the Application Add audio files in .wav format for analysis in src/input/ folder Run Speech Emotion […]

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All the goto functions you need to handle NLP use-cases, integrated in NLPretext

NLPretext NLPretext packages in a unique library all the text preprocessing functions you need to ease your NLP project. Installation This package has been tested on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. We strongly advise you to do the remaining steps in a virtual environnement. To install this library you just have to run the following command: pip install nlpretext This library uses Spacy as tokenizer. Current models supported are en_core_web_sm and fr_core_news_sm. If not installed, run the following commands: pip […]

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A reading-focused foreign language learning aid orientated towards young children

Langy Langy is a reading-focused foreign language learning aid orientated towards young children. Reading is an activity that every child knows. It is a necessary skill that is learned at school and at home, not only building on a child’s linguistic capability, but also their cognitive and social skills. Langy aims to enable children to learn vocabulary in a new language in a manner that feels familiar to them. The platform allows users to read a variety of children’s books, […]

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