Articles About Machine Learning

PMVOS: Pixel-Level Matching-Based Video Object Segmentation

Semi-supervised video object segmentation (VOS) aims to segment arbitrary target objects in video when the ground truth segmentation mask of the initial frame is provided. Due to this limitation of using prior knowledge about the target object, feature matching, which compares template features representing the target object with input features, is an essential step… Recently, pixel-level matching (PM), which matches every pixel in template features and input features, has been widely used for feature matching because of its high performance. […]

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Face Sketch Synthesis with Style Transfer using Pyramid Column Feature

In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on deep neural networks for face sketch synthesis from a photo. Imitating the process of how artists draw sketches, our framework synthesizes face sketches in a cascaded manner… A content image is first generated that outlines the shape of the face and the key facial features. Textures and shadings are then added to enrich the details of the sketch. We utilize a fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) to create the content […]

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