Articles About Machine Learning

GRACE: Gradient Harmonized and Cascaded Labeling for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

In this paper, we focus on the imbalance issue, which is rarely studied in aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification when regarding them as sequence labeling tasks. Besides, previous works usually ignore the interaction between aspect terms when labeling polarities… We propose a GRadient hArmonized and CascadEd labeling model (GRACE) to solve these problems. Specifically, a cascaded labeling module is developed to enhance the interchange between aspect terms and improve the attention of sentiment tokens when labeling sentiment polarities. […]

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Stochastic Neighbor Embedding with Gaussian and Student-t Distributions: Tutorial and Survey

Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (SNE) is a manifold learning and dimensionality reduction method with a probabilistic approach. In SNE, every point is consider to be the neighbor of all other points with some probability and this probability is tried to be preserved in the embedding space… SNE considers Gaussian distribution for the probability in both the input and embedding spaces. However, t-SNE uses the Student-t and Gaussian distributions in these spaces, respectively. In this tutorial and survey paper, we explain SNE, […]

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Conditional Sequential Modulation for Efficient Global Image Retouching

Photo retouching aims at enhancing the aesthetic visual quality of images that suffer from photographic defects such as over/under exposure, poor contrast, inharmonious saturation. Practically, photo retouching can be accomplished by a series of image processing operations… In this paper, we investigate some commonly-used retouching operations and mathematically find that these pixel-independent operations can be approximated or formulated by multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). Based on this analysis, we propose an extremely light-weight framework – Conditional Sequential Retouching Network (CSRNet) – for […]

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Global-to-Local Neural Networks for Document-Level Relation Extraction

Relation extraction (RE) aims to identify the semantic relations between named entities in text. Recent years have witnessed it raised to the document level, which requires complex reasoning with entities and mentions throughout an entire document… In this paper, we propose a novel model to document-level RE, by encoding the document information in terms of entity global and local representations as well as context relation representations. Entity global representations model the semantic information of all entities in the document, entity […]

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LP2PB: Translating Answer Set Programs into Pseudo-Boolean Theories

Answer set programming (ASP) is a well-established knowledge representation formalism. Most ASP solvers are based on (extensions of) technology from Boolean satisfiability solving… While these solvers have shown to be very successful in many practical applications, their strength is limited by their underlying proof system, resolution. In this paper, we present a new tool LP2PB that translates ASP programs into pseudo-Boolean theories, for which solvers based on the (stronger) cutting plane proof system exist. We evaluate our tool, and the […]

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Claraprint: a chord and melody based fingerprint for western classical music cover detection

Cover song detection has been an active field in the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) community during the past decades. Most of the research community focused in solving it for a wide range of music genres with diverse characteristics… Western classical music, a genre heavily based on the recording of “cover songs”, or musical works, represents a large heritage, offering immediate application for an efficient fingerprint algorithm. We propose an engineering approach for retrieving a cover song from a reference database […]

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Weakly Supervised Learning of Nuanced Frames for Analyzing Polarization in News Media

In this paper we suggest a minimally-supervised approach for identifying nuanced frames in news article coverage of politically divisive topics. We suggest to break the broad policy frames suggested by Boydstun et al., 2014 into fine-grained subframes which can capture differences in political ideology in a better way… We evaluate the suggested subframes and their embedding, learned using minimal supervision, over three topics, namely, immigration, gun-control and abortion. We demonstrate the ability of the subframes to capture ideological differences and […]

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Integration of Clinical Criteria into the Training of Deep Models: Application to Glucose Prediction for Diabetic People

Standard objective functions used during the training of neural-network-based predictive models do not consider clinical criteria, leading to models that are not necessarily clinically acceptable. In this study, we look at this problem from the perspective of the forecasting of future glucose values for diabetic people… In this study, we propose the coherent mean squared glycemic error (gcMSE) loss function. It penalizes the model during its training not only of the prediction errors, but also on the predicted variation errors […]

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