Articles About Machine Learning

KoBE: Knowledge-Based Machine Translation Evaluation

We propose a simple and effective method for machine translation evaluation which does not require reference translations. Our approach is based on (1) grounding the entity mentions found in each source sentence and candidate translation against a large-scale multilingual knowledge base, and (2) measuring the recall of the grounded entities found in the candidate vs. those found in the source… Our approach achieves the highest correlation with human judgements on 9 out of the 18 language pairs from the WMT19 […]

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ANNdotNET — deep learning tool on .NET Platform

ANNdotNET is an open source project for deep learning written in C# with ability to create, train, evaluate and export deep learning models. The project consists of the Graphical User Interface module capable to visually prepare data, fine tune hyper-parameters, design network architecture, evaluate and test trained models… The ANNdotNET introduces the Visual Network Designer, (VND) for visually design almost any sequential deep learning network. Beside VND, ANNdotNET implements Machine Learning Engine, (MLE) based on CNTK – deep learning framework, […]

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Robust and efficient post-processing for video object detection

Object recognition in video is an important task for plenty of applications, including autonomous driving perception, surveillance tasks, wearable devices or IoT networks. Object recognition using video data is more challenging than using still images due to blur, occlusions or rare object poses… Specific video detectors with high computational cost or standard image detectors together with a fast post-processing algorithm achieve the current state-of-the-art. This work introduces a novel post-processing pipeline that overcomes some of the limitations of previous post-processing […]

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Whole Slide Images based Cancer Survival Prediction using Attention Guided Deep Multiple Instance Learning Networks

Traditional image-based survival prediction models rely on discriminative patch labeling which make those methods not scalable to extend to large datasets. Recent studies have shown Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) framework is useful for histopathological images when no annotations are available in classification task… Different to the current image-based survival models that limit to key patches or clusters derived from Whole Slide Images (WSIs), we propose Deep Attention Multiple Instance Survival Learning (DeepAttnMISL) by introducing both siamese MI-FCN and attention-based MIL […]

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Augmented Convolutional LSTMs for Generation of High-Resolution Climate Change Projections

Projection of changes in extreme indices of climate variables such as temperature and precipitation are critical to assess the potential impacts of climate change on human-made and natural systems, including critical infrastructures and ecosystems. While impact assessment and adaptation planning rely on high-resolution projections (typically in the order of a few kilometers), state-of-the-art Earth System Models (ESMs) are available at spatial resolutions of few hundreds of kilometers… Current solutions to obtain high-resolution projections of ESMs include downscaling approaches that consider […]

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A survey on Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch

This work presents Kornia, an open source computer vision library built upon a set of differentiable routines and modules that aims to solve generic computer vision problems. The package uses PyTorch as its main backend, not only for efficiency but also to take advantage of the reverse auto-differentiation engine to define and compute the gradient of complex functions… Inspired by OpenCV, Kornia is composed of a set of modules containing operators that can be integrated into neural networks to train […]

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PP-OCR: A Practical Ultra Lightweight OCR System

The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems have been widely used in various of application scenarios, such as office automation (OA) systems, factory automations, online educations, map productions etc. However, OCR is still a challenging task due to the various of text appearances and the demand of computational efficiency… In this paper, we propose a practical ultra lightweight OCR system, i.e., PP-OCR. The overall model size of the PP-OCR is only 3.5M for recognizing 6622 Chinese characters and 2.8M for recognizing […]

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Exploring Intensity Invariance in Deep Neural Networks for Brain Image Registration

Image registration is a widely-used technique in analysing large scale datasets that are captured through various imaging modalities and techniques in biomedical imaging such as MRI, X-Rays, etc. These datasets are typically collected from various sites and under different imaging protocols using a variety of scanners… Such heterogeneity in the data collection process causes inhomogeneity or variation in intensity (brightness) and noise distribution. These variations play a detrimental role in the performance of image registration, segmentation and detection algorithms. Classical […]

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Tabling Optimization for Contextual Abduction

Tabling for contextual abduction in logic programming has been introduced as a means to store previously obtained abductive solutions in one context to be reused in another context. This paper identifies a number of issues in the existing implementations of tabling in contextual abduction and aims to mitigate the issues… We propose a new program transformation for integrity constraints to deal with their proper application for filtering solutions while also reducing the table memory usage. We further optimize the table […]

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Automating Outlier Detection via Meta-Learning

Given an unsupervised outlier detection (OD) task on a new dataset, how can we automatically select a good outlier detection method and its hyperparameter(s) (collectively called a model)? Thus far, model selection for OD has been a “black art”; as any model evaluation is infeasible due to the lack of (i) hold-out data with labels, and (ii) a universal objective function… In this work, we develop the first principled data-driven approach to model selection for OD, called MetaOD, based on […]

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