This plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2021-44228-log4j issue

This plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2021-44228-log4j issue. To discover this files it uses the CVE-2021-44228-Scanner from logpresso The scanner (and so the plugin) can discover the following log4j issues Note: Included in this package is the scanner for Linux and Windows in version 2.7.1 (2022-01-02) You will find the release notes/latest version for the logpresso scanner here logpresso CVE-2021-44228-Scanner Releases Note: here you can Download the MKP package for CMK 1.6, this might not be always on the […]

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A python script created for Log4j

This python script was created while I was working on the TryHackMe room for Log4j. While this was created with default variables for this room, I used argparse to make the script versatile for a GET request. All necessary varaibles can be changed with different options, see -h for more information. Only my script is hosted here, this requires two other downloads to run properly which I will give links for, but setting up the folders the way I did […]

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Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests

Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests. It will then automatically execute the GET/POST requests, filling any discovered parameters with the ${jndi:ldap://:389} Log4j payload. Note that this tool is designed to work simultaneously with a NetCat listener. If you want to test behind authentication, use the commented ‘#req.add_header(‘Authorization’, “token_goes_here”)’ line to add the proper token. If you are experiencing SSL errors, use the commented ‘#context = ssl._create_unverified_context()’ line in addition to ‘resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=context)’ Syntax:

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Log4j minecraft with python

This code DOES NOT promote or encourage any illegal activities!The content in this document is provided solely for educational purposes and to create awareness! To run this project follow the following steps: Clone the repository:git clone Run the script (python3 i.e. python3 This installs the prerequisite software, and also starts up the LDAP server. Run the script (python3 This compiles the Java payload to be ran, and also starts a python3 http.server. GitHub […]

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