A simple tool to parse json logs and output them in a nice format with nice colors

sugarjazy is a simple tool to parse json logs and output them in a nice format with nice colors. Usually play nicely with https://github.com/uber-go/zap when using the “Sugar” logger output. As a tekton developer this works pretty well with tekton controllers and webhooks pods but the shoudld work as well with most knative package and other pods using go-uber/zap. Screenshot Default Stream from kail with sugarjazy sugarjazy-kail.mp4 Installation There is not many dependencies on this package but python-dateutil is   […]

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Easy JSON wrapper modfied to wrok with suggestions

Easy JSON wrapper modfied to wrok with suggestions. This was made for small discord bots, for big bots you should not use this. Clone this file into your project folder. Add from suggester import SuggestionBoard to the top of your project. board.add_suggestion(content: str, author: int) Creates a suggestion in the draft category. Will return the suggestions ID (sID). “1234567890”: {“content”: content, “author”: author} board.approve_suggestion(sID: str) Moves a suggestion from the draft category to the approved category. Will raise: NoSuchSuggestion: if […]

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Simple Python script that dumps a Wikidot wiki forum into JSON structures

Script is partially based on 2stacks by bluesoul: https://github.com/scuttle/2stacks To dump a Wiki’s forum, edit config.py and put the required Wiki name (default — scp-wiki, which is the SCP EN community). If your forum is too large, you may edit threads parameter in config.py, however make sure you don’t overload Wikidot with requests — no one knows what that may result in. Then make sure you have the following Python packages: beautifulsoup4 Run python . to start dumping. Note: incremental […]

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Json Formatter for the standard python logger

This library is provided to allow standard python logging to output log data as json objects. With JSON we can make our logs more readable by machines and we can stop writing custom parsers for syslog type records. Hi, I see this package is quiet alive and I am sorry for ignoring it so long. I will be stepping up my maintenance of this package so please allow me a week to get things back in order (and most likely […]

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A simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python

simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3.3+ with legacy support for Python 2.5+. It is pure Python code with no dependencies, but includes an optional C extension for a serious speed boost. The latest documentation for simplejson can be read online here: https://simplejson.readthedocs.io/ simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json library included with Python (since 2.6). This version is tested with the latest Python 3.8 and maintains backwards […]

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Convert json|dict to python object

convert json|dict to python object Setup Example from pyonize import pyonize def example(): deneme = pyonize({“id”:1,”name”:”bilal”,”job”:{“id”:1,”title”:”CTO”}}) print(type(deneme)) print(deneme.name) print(deneme.job) print(deneme.job.title) example() GitHub View Github    

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Json Dictionary input output filecamparison DataRepalcement

In this project we have two json file first one is input.json and other one is output.json. Our task is to first equate the dictoionary of two in a form of Key and Value. Then we have to read the data from the output.json. After reading the data we have to iterate every element of the input file and print Element found if there is else print Element not found. After itrating every element we’ll check for all the values […]

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Define your JSON schema as Python dataclasses

Define your JSON schema as Python dataclasses Installation pip install nvelope The problem it solves This is basically sommething like JSON-schema, but it workswith static type checking, since the classes you define are just regularpython dataclasses which can (and should) be type checked with mypy library. It also lets not to just define the structure of your JSON data in asingle place in yourpython code, but also to definecustom checks and conversions from/to JSON for any type you want. Original […]

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