Using pixel classification and some Image Processing Techniques to detect bin in images

This project focuses on using the logistic regresion based image pixel classification model and image reinforcement methods to segment and augment images and then detected the positions of the bins in different images. As bins may appear in different places, it is necessary to design a classification algorithm that can segment the bin from a complex scenario. My method achieved a reliable outcome on detecting the location of bins in different scenarios. The techinical approach and methmetical formulation are all […]

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Image Processing HighPass Filter With Python

High Pass Filter take the high frequency and ignore the low frequency High Pass Filter can be use to sharpening an image, or make a edge detection. Characteristic of High Pass Filter is, the elements of the kernel matrix are negative, zero , and positive. Sum of all the elements are 0 (zero). Original Image Convert to Gray Scale Image Apply High Pass Filter to Image GitHub View Github    

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A Python package for delineating nested surface depressions from digital elevation data

lidar lidar is Python package for delineating the nested hierarchy of surface depressions in digital elevation models (DEMs). It is particularly useful for analyzing high-resolution topographic data, such as DEMs derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. GitHub repo: https://lidar.gishub.orgPyPI: in Colab: software: MIT license lidar is a Python package for delineating the nested hierarchy of surface depressions in digital elevation models (DEMs). In traditional hydrological modeling, surface depressions in a DEM are commonly treated […]

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A Python library for image processing of geospatial raster data

GIPPY Gippy is a Python library for image processing of geospatial raster data. The core of the library is implemented as a C++ library, libgip, with Python bindings automatically generated with swig. Gippy encapsulates the functionality of GDAL and CImg that automatically handles issues common to geospatial data, such as handling of nodata values and chunking up of very large images by saving chains of functions and only processing the image in pieces upon a read request. In addition to […]

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