Cross-editor syntax highlighter for Lua, showing some merit of Typed BNF
Cross-editor contextual syntax highlighter via Typed BNF Do you like “one grammar, syntax highlighters everywhere?” 喜欢我一个文法,到处高亮吗? PS: NOTE that parentheses in function arguments and parameters have different colors. PPS: The amount of code required to implement such a cross-editor SH(~100 lines), is many orders of magnitude smaller than for the tmLanguage system(~10000 lines and unreadable). build grammar for VScode build: tbnf .cross-editor-highlighterlua.tbnf .cross-editor-highlighterbackend_vscodesrc “lua_sh” –backend typescript-antlr build grammar for pygments build: tbnf .cross-editor-highlighterlua.tbnf .cross-editor-highlighterbackend_pygments “lua_sh” –backend python-lark GitHub View Github […]
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