Display your data in an attractive way in your notebook

Bloxs is a simple python package that helps you display information in an attractive way (formed in blocks). Perfect for building dashboards, reports and apps in the notebook. It works with: Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, Deepnote, Kaggle Notebook, Mercury. Get started Install bloxs: Import and create a bloxs: from bloxs import B B(1234, “Bloxs in notebook!”) Exmaples Bloxs Code B(1234, “Bloxs in notebook!”) B(1999, “Percent change!”, percent_change=10)    

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Indicator divergence library for python

This module aims to help to find bullish/bearish divergences (regular or hidden) between two indicators using argrelextrema from scipy.signal. Code based on higher-highs-lower-lows-and-calculating-price-trends-in-python article on medium. This package is mean to use in conjunction with jesse ai but is generic enough to be used on its own. poetry build pip install dist/jesse_extra_indicators-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

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Helper modules and classes for writing to Cloudshell sandbox console

This project provides utility classes for formatting and sending html messages to the cloudshell sandbox console.These methods help to semantically color the text and generate custom html elements (headers / anchors / etc.). The SandboxReporter class is used to chunk together logging messages with the sandbox console print actions into single commands.This reduces duplication in your script if you typically log and print the same messages.There are granular flags for message instances that you only want to log and not […]

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Multi minecraft server helper for python

呐Yuki 您的群组服操作小助手。 使用Python3编写。使用 .yaml 配置文件记录子服,配合Screen管理Linux系统上的Minecraft子服,支持MCDR子服与非MCDR子服。 功能: 开启所有子服 关闭所有子服 重载所有子服MCDR 重载所有子服ChatBridge 使用方法: 安装Screen 使用前请确保您系统中装有Screen,Linux系统下可以使用如下命令安装: CentOS7/8: Ubentu/Debian: FreeBSD: ​ 注意:安装过程中数据校验需要输入 ‘y‘ 以继续安装。 安装Python依赖: pip3 install –r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 根据.yaml文件内提示添加子服信息 给程序添加可执行权限: 于当前目录下使用yuki ,观察控制台输出测试程序是否正常运行: ​ 如:    

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A helper bot for poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a pokedex

⚠️ This is just the copy of the actual Aerial-Ace repository used for the bot. The original repo is made private because it contains data of the users. This repo is exact copy of the original repo except data files (which are empty). The data files contain the format in which the data is stored. Aerial Ace is a helper bot for poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a pokedex. Prefix : -aa Features View Dex entry […]

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