Ideas: Quantum computing redefined with Chetan Nayak

CHETAN NAYAK: Thank you. Thanks for having me. And I’m excited to tell you about this stuff. HUIZINGA: Well, you have a huge list of accomplishments, accolades, and awards—little alliteration there. But I want to start by getting to know a bit more about you and what got you there. So specifically, what’s your “research origin story,” as it were? What big idea inspired you to study the smallest parts of the universe? NAYAK: It’s a great question. I think […]

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Preventing side-channels in the cloud

Cloud computing delivers scalable and cost-effective compute resources to a wide range of customers. The ability for cloud providers to share components of the hardware stack across customers, or tenants, is essential for running efficient cloud systems. For example, modern central processing units (CPUs) pack hundreds of physical hardware threads sharing terabytes of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), which can be flexibly assigned to many independent virtual machines (VMs). Preventing tenants from snooping on others who  

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What’s Your Story: Lex Story

GEHRKE: Welcome, Lex. LEX STORY: Oh, thank you. GEHRKE: Really great to have you here. Can you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing here at MSR (Microsoft Research) … STORY: OK. GEHRKE: … and how did you actually end up here? STORY: Well, um, within MSR, I actually work in the hardware prototype, hardware development. I find solutions for the researchers, especially in the areas of developing hardware through various fabrication and industrial-like methods. I’m a model […]

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Collaborators: Sustainable electronics with Jake Smith and Aniruddh Vashisth

I’m thrilled to be in the booth today, IRL, with Dr. Jake Smith, a senior researcher at Microsoft Research and part of the Microsoft Climate Research Initiative, or MCRI. And with him is Dr. Aniruddh Vashisth. He’s an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Washington and director of the Vashisth Research Lab. Jake and Aniruddh are working on a project that uses machine learning to help scientists design sustainable polymers with a particularly exciting application in the […]

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Microsoft at ASPLOS 2024: Advancing hardware and software for high-scale, secure, and efficient modern applications

Modern computer systems and applications, with unprecedented scale, complexity, and security needs, require careful co-design and co-evolution of hardware and software. The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) (opens in new tab), is the main forum where researchers bridge the gap between architecture, programming languages, and operating systems to advance the state of the art. ASPLOS 2024 is taking place in San Diego between April 27 and  

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