Category: Flask
Hotel API Flask Projeto01 Udemy
📚 Sobre o projeto É um sistema de API simples para listar hoteis. Esse sistema é do primeiro projeto de aula do curso da udemy sobre api com Flask. 💻 Tecnologias O sistema foi construído na linguagem de programação python e utiliza a framework Flask. Os dados estão sendo armazenados localmente, sem conexão com banco de dados. Para testar os recursos do CRUD, estou utilizando o Insomnia para enviar e receber as requisições. Por fim, é utilizado o virtualenv como […]
Read moreA Flask driven restful API for comparing two PDF files
A Flask driven restful API for comparing two PDF files. Description This project contains a POST endpoint (../compare) which takes in two PDF files as form-data input and returns a pdf which contains a side by side comparison of each page in the input PDFs. Installation / Usage If you wish to run your own build, first ensure you have python3 globally installed in your computer. After this, ensure you have installed virtualenv globally as well. If not, run this: […]
Read moreFlask API for handling bookmarks
REST API built using flask framework that used for managing bookmarks by individual users. This app is built using flask framework that helps this api can be cosumed both on andriod or web applications. API Endpoints POST user registration bookmarks posting GET user login refresh token bookmarks bookmark/{id} bookmark/stats bookmark/short_url PUT / PATCH bookmark/{id} DELETE bookmark/{id} Test Live API API have been configured and deployed using Heroku. Test Live version by clicking here. Documentation Every Aspect of using this API […]
Read moreA simple todo app using flask and sqlachemy
This is a simple TODO app made using Flask. Packages used: Setup and run Make sure you have python inslled Set up virtualenv Activate venv $ source venv/scripts/activate Install required modules $ pip install -r requirements.txt Run the app! [optional] Run tests GitHub View Github
Read moreFlask app + (html+css+ajax) contain ability add employee and place where employee work – plant or salon
#Manage your employees! With all employee information stored in one place, you no longer have to sift through hoards of spreadsheets to manually search and enter data. Just enter data once, and use it across all web platform. App contain ability add employee and place where employee work – plant or salon Firstly, employee must be log in. Use email and password which contains hashing in database. Otherwise, information can not edit. If you successfully log in freely use application.
Read moreCookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly
💻A full-featured Flask + API + OAS3 + JWT + SwaggerUI + ORM + Migrations + Great and Scalable structure project template 👉It’s using latest Flask 1.2 Flask 2 is coming soon😎 It uses PostgreSQL everywhere, so Docker is necessary (SQLite with no Docker dependency is on the roadmap)😎 Why using this boilerplate❓ Focus on the business and creating value Faster project setup Standard project structure organization (easy to scale) Better QA What’s
Read moreRunnable Python demo of ArtLine
How to run? pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 How to use? Run the Flask app Open localhost:5000 in browser Select an image( .png or .jpg ) then click Go Art Once the process done successfully, you should see the result in browser. Enjoy and give a star if you like it. GitHub
Read moreAlura Curso Flask Parte 1
Ola! Vou listar as habilidades trabalhadas e explicar o codigo. 🚀 Technologies Este projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: ✔️ Python ✔️ Flask Habilidades desenvolvidas: ✔️ Aprenda a criar uma aplicação web com Flask ✔️ Faça um site elegante usando HTML e Bootstrap ✔️ Crie um sistema de login e autorização ✔️ Aprenda a definir rotas, redirecionamentos e templates ✔️ Crie URL dinâmicas Descrição: Durante esse curso, nós fizemos uma aplicação chamada jogoteca, que consiste em uma listagem de […]
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