Fetch fund data from Avanza using Python

Fetch fund data from avanza.se using Python and some web scraping with bs4. The default way is to display the data in the terminal, apply –json for json output. How does it work? Provide this script with the fund id (can be found in the url of the fund, example below). The script is scraping the funds page and displays the output. How is this useful? You can use this data for your own project, perhaps on a Raspberry Pi […]

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Fetching Cryptocurrency Prices from Coingecko and Displaying them on Grafana

Fetching Cryptocurrency Prices from Coingecko and Displaying them on Grafana About This stack consists of: Prometheus (timeseries database) Pushgateway (introduces a /metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape) Grafana (the best) Redis (k/v in memory store) Python Script that pulls crypto market data, publishes to pushgateway for prometheus to scrape, and stores market data in Redis Flask API to fetch market prices for other projects I’m using coingecko’s api which gives me 50 free calls per minute. Walkthrough Clone the repo: […]

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Thinky nature dots with python

Welcome to my rice dotfiles of my ThinkPad X230 You surely will need to change some configs to fit your files and stuff and maybe tweak the icons on polybar so be ready to do that. Most of the other things should be self explanatory. Screenshot may have slightly other colors than the screenshot ^^ Dependencies Fonts FiraCode Nerd Font Material Design Icons FontAwesome Software Window Manager: i3-radius/gaps Editor: neovim Fetch: fet.sh Application Menu: rofi Notifications: dunst Top Bar: polybar […]

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Fast, Simple API for fetching Apple Firmwares

Fast, Simple API for fetching Apple Firmwares. The API server is closed due to some reasons. Wait for v2 releases. Features Fetching Signed IPSWs Fetching Signed OTAs Fetching not only iDevices but also AirPods, Beats, and Keyboard Accessories Example Request curl -X GET “loyalapi.ml/v1/restore?device=iPhone12,1” [ { “build_id”: “18D61”, “docs_url”: “http://updates-http.cdn-apple.com/2021WinterFCS/documentation/071-15446/2D646674-5AE5-454D-94C9-EBA3E76437D7/iPhoneiTunesUpdateReadMe.ipd”, “sha1”: “45186bb240128a11a26a2342a6efeb87cfd1c029”, “url”: “http://updates-http.cdn-apple.com/2021WinterFCS/fullrestores/071-12530/598B4392-EF03-4F6C-962A-3A8CC9BA9DAC/iPhone11,8,iPhone12,1_14.4.1_18D61_Restore.ipsw”, “version”: “14.4.1” }, { “build_id”: “18D61”, “docs_url”: “http://updates-http.cdn-apple.com/2021WinterFCS/documentation/071-15446/2D646674-5AE5-454D-94C9-EBA3E76437D7/iPhoneiTunesUpdateReadMe.ipd”, “sha1”: “45186bb240128a11a26a2342a6efeb87cfd1c029”, “url”: “http://updates-http.cdn-apple.com/2021WinterFCS/fullrestores/071-12530/598B4392-EF03-4F6C-962A-3A8CC9BA9DAC/iPhone11,8,iPhone12,1_14.4.1_18D61_Restore.ipsw”, “version”: “14.4.1” } ] Documentation You can read documentation on here. Build and run […]

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