AI Face Mesh: A simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial intelligence

AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial Intelligence which made with Python. It’s able to detect 468 different landmarks on faces. Outcome: Watch the Outcome. What Have I Done: I’ve made this face mesh detection program using Python. I’ve used OpenCV, MediaPipe and Math module for made this program. OpenCV is a library used for computer vision applications. With help of OpenCV, we can build an enormous number of applications that work better […]

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MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection

Introduction In this repo, we propose a promising face detector, termed as MogFace. Our MogFace consists of 3 novel modules, including Ali-AMS, SSE and HCAM. Our MogFace achieves six champions on WIDER FACE. Prepare Environment conda create -n MogFace python=3.6 conda activate MogFace pip install -r requirements.txt cd utils/nms && python build_ext –inplace && cd ../.. cd    

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Demo of spoofing detection (anti-spoof-mn3) for webcams

なりすまし検出(anti-spoof-mn3)のWebカメラ向けデモです。モデルはPINTO_model_zoo/191_anti-spoof-mn3からONNX形式のモデルを使用しています。 mediapipe 0.8.8 or later OpenCV 3.4.2 or later onnxruntime 1.8.1 or later デモの実行方法は以下です。 python –deviceカメラデバイス番号の指定デフォルト:0 –widthカメラキャプチャ時の横幅デフォルト:1280 –heightカメラキャプチャ時の縦幅デフォルト:720 –model_selectionモデル選択(0:2m以内の検出に最適なモデル、1:5m以内の検出に最適なモデル)デフォルト:0 –min_detection_confidence検出信頼値の閾値デフォルト:0.7 –as_modelなりすまし検出モデルの格納パスデフォルト:anti-spoof-mn3/model_float32.onnx –as_input_sizeなりすまし検出モデルの入力サイズデフォルト:128,128 高橋かずひと( FaceDetection-Anti-Spoof-Demo is under MIT License. GitHub View Github    

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MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation

Introduction This repo is the official implementation of “MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation”. The paper has been accepted at BMVC2021. This repo is an implementation of PyTorch. MOS is a low latency and lightweight architecture for face detection, facial landmark localization and head pose estimation.It aims to bridge the gap between research and industrial communities.For more details, please refer to our report on Arxiv. Updates 【2021/10/31】 We have released […]

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