Dns Client Server For Python

DNS Server: supporting all types of queries and replies. Should be able to do both recursive and iterative queries. Caching to be implemented. Client like nslookup: as close as possible to the existing nslookup, all options, all functionality, use of the file /etc/resolv.conf Clone Respository $ git clone https://github.com/Nishant-Badgujar18/Dns-client-server.git To compile and run the code Run the server in one terminal by typing the command ‘python3 dns-server.py’. On the other terminal run client side commands one by one. Types of […]

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A script takes the website name as input and returns its dns records

DNS Record This script takes the website name as input and returns its dns records. #Requirements to run this file: External library called dnspython has been used here and it can be installed easily by using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt #How to use this script? 1.Install the requirements. Type the following command python dns_record.py 3.It will ask for a website: You can give any website name for example: google.com GitHub View Github    

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Analyze your DNS traffic super easy

___ _ ___ _ _ ___ | __|__| |_ ___| | | / __| | _|/ _| ‘ / _ |) | .` __ |_____|_||____/___/|_|_|___/ v0.0.1 Analyze DNS traffic. EchoDNS shows all requested DNS traffic. It will forward the original packet to a real DNS server. You can choose the target DNS. Default is endpoint won’t notice this “FakeDNS” at all. With the usage of multithreading, EchoDNS will perfom requests very efficient. A builtin garbage collector takes care of […]

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A great python/java dynamic DNS service for NameSilo, with log, email reminder

简体中文 | English NameSilo DDNS is a DDNS service for NameSilo domain names for home broadband , it can automatically detect IP changes in home broadband and automatically update the resolution of the domain name. This project has been refactored via Python3, to view the Java version please switch branches. This program is only available for domain names purchased on NameSilo. This program obtains the public IP address of home broadband by visiting http://202020.ip138.com/, and queries and updates the DNS […]

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A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)

A high-performance DNS stub resolver MassDNS is a simple high-performance DNS stub resolver targeting those who seek to resolve a massive amount of domain names in the order of millions or even billions. Without special configuration, MassDNS is capable of resolving over 350,000 names per second using publicly available resolvers. Contributors Compilation Clone the git repository and cd into the project root folder. Then run make to build from source. If you are not on Linux, run make nolinux. On […]

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