A minimal and open-source discord.py boilerplate for kick starting bot projects

A minimal and open-source discord.py boilerplate for kick-starting bot projects. I spend a lot of time developing bots for different communities on discord, and I find myself constantly rewriting the same basic boilerplate for each project. After searching for an existing template with no luck, I decided to write my own that’ll suit any type of application. So this repository includes an all inclusive bare-bones boilerplate for discord.py bot development that you can use as a basic skeleton for your […]

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Shitty language for writing bots in discord

DBCE – Discord Bot Creator Easy (Лёгкое создания дискорд бота) Для получения поддержки вы можете перейти на официальный сервер В терминале введите данный код, открыть терминал вы можете: На телефоне: Play Market -> Pydroid 3 -> Terminal На компьютере: Win+R -> cmd pip install –upgrade dbce GitHub View Github    

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A discord token generator(requests) which works and makes 200 tokens per minute

Features Profile pictures and names on the accounts Easy to use Free Email verifies MultiThreaded -> 200 accounts per minute Websockets the accounts so theyre good to mass dm How to use pip install -r requirements.txt Buy anticaptcha balance from https://anti-captcha.com/ and put your key inside gen.py (line 18) Buy proxies from https://proxiware.com/ and put your proxies in proxies.txt Maka a data folder inside the same directory as gen, make a avatars folder inside it and put pfps in there […]

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A Discord bot made with Pycord

A Discord bot made with Pycord Features Not much lol • Easy to use commands• Moderation capabilities• Fun commands• Utility Usage The Default prefix is . . though you can find the server speific by pinging the bot. and you can also change it by .change_prefix {new_prefix}Use .help for a full list of commands. Get Add Yuu to your Server GitHub View Github    

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Discord Bot to keep threads from expiring

Discord Bot to keep threads from expiring Installation Create a new Discord Bot in the Discord developer console. Remember to select“Bot” and “applications.commands” in OAuth2->URL Generator else your Bot willnot work. Usage The bot exports three (slash) commands: /addthread |all to either keep the given thread ID alive or all threads alive. /rmthread to stop keeping the given thread ID alive /lsthread to list all thread IDs being kept alive The way any given thread is kept alive is by […]

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A clean, easy to scale discord bot template. Develope using nextcord library and can be use with any other discord.py forked library

This repository is a template that everyone can use for the start of their discord bot. This template created for fast set up your new discord bot and easy to scaling. It has common feature in standarddiscord bot like embedded help menu. This also compatible with any discord.py fork. Firsts of all you need to have the python3 (created with 3.9). Then run pip install -r requirements.txt .env Here is an explanation for .env: Variable What it is BOT_AUTHOR The […]

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Discord bot that fetches cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API

Discord bot that fetches and monitors cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API. For any help message fatal#9999 on discord. Requirements Python modules needed: discord, asyncio, time, os, pycoingecko, dotenv pip install discord asyncio time os pycoingecko dotenv First you will need to create a free Discord server. Next, create a new application on the Discord developer portal by clicking the button in the top right corner at https://discord.com/developers/applications. Click into the Bot menu item. You can name your bot and give […]

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Minecraft Multi-Server Pinger Discord Embed

Minecraft Multi-Server Pinger Discord Embed What does this bot do?It sends an embed and uses mcsrvstat API and checks if the list of your servers are online or notOnce it sends the embed, it will store the message ID, and edits the embed once refreshes. You can store an array of servers and asks it whether to get player number or not,Good for monitoring Minecraft networks. How to host yourself?Edit the config.json file and enter your detailsEdit the main.py file […]

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