Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control

Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control. It contains the benchmark suite, pre-trained models, and the training code to reproduce the results from the paper. Installation Please see for installation instructions. Pre-trained visual enocoders We provide pre-trained visual encoders used in the paper. The models are in the same format as mae and timm: backbone objective data md5 download ViT-S MAE in-the-wild model ViT-S MAE ImageNet […]

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Ground control station software for the drone created with the Python pyside2 library

Teknofest yarışmasında yerlilik kısmında Yer Kontrol İstasyonu yazılımı seçeneği bulunuyordu. Bu yüzden yerlilik alanında yer kontrol istasyonu yazmaya başladım. Ancak 2022 yılı Teknofest yarışmasında yerlilik kısmından yer kontrol istasyonu kaldırıldı. Bu yüzden projeye devam etmedim. Ancak gelecek yıllarda tekrar yerlilik kısmına yer kontrol istasyonu yazılımı konacak olursa ilgili arkadaşlar bu projeden yararlanarak, bu projeyi devam ettirerek kolayca yer kontrol istasyonu yazılımlarını yapabilirler. Bu proje benim bir işime yaramadı ancak belki farklı arkadaşların işine yarar bu yüzden paylaşmak istiyorum. Neler Kullandım? […]

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MIDI-DDSP: Detailed Control of Musical Performance via Hierarchical Modeling

Demos | Blog Post| Colab Notebook| Paper | MIDI-DDSP is a hierarchical audio generation model for synthesizing MIDI expandedfrom DDSP. Links Install MIDI-DDSP You could install MIDI-DDSP via pip, which allows you to use thecool Command-line MIDI synthesis to synthesize your MIDI. To install MIDI-DDSP via pip, simply run: Train MIDI-DDSP To train MIDI-DDSP, please first install midi-ddsp and clone the MIDI-DDSP repository: git clone For dataset, please download the tfrecord    

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A utility control surface for Ableton Live that makes the initialization of a Mixdown quick

A script that transfers all the VSTs on your MIDI tracks to a new track so you can freeze your MIDI tracks and then copies the VSTs back over for you and deletes the new tracks Setup: Copy paste the downloaded/cloned repository in your Remote Scripts folder. Refer to the link to find out where the folder is for your OS: Select “ableton-mixdown-automation” in Preferences > Link/MIDI Go to: or localhost:5010 in your browser and follow the instructions Note […]

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Closed Loop Control system of Sharp Wave Ripples in Hippocampus CA3 region

Mengzhan (John) code for Closed Loop Control system of Sharp Wave Ripples in Hippocampus CA3 region Creating Python Virtual Environment To run the project, you’ll first need to create a python virtual environment with specific dependencies installed. The packages needed can be found at this ”’clc_packages”’ repository. Link: Create a python virtual environment with pyvenv packages and venv command Go to clc_packages repository and clone it, make a local repository Activate the virtual environment with the line (name_of_venv)Scriptsactivate Change […]

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