Group Activity Recognition with Clustered Spatial Temporal Transformer

Group Activity Recognition with Clustered Spatial-TemporalTransformer Backbone Style Action Acc Activity Acc Config Download Inv3+flow+pose pytorch 0.847 0.957 config model | test_log Volleyball dataset is here. Keypoint predicted by AlphaPose is here. Flow data is too huge to upload, it can be easily generated by flownet as mentioned in our paper. Train Model ./ $GPU_NUM $CONFIG Test Model ./ $GPU_NUM $CONFIG $CHECKPOINT A humble version has been released, containing core modules mentioned in this paper. Any suggestion are welcome. We […]

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Topic Modelling With LDA -A Hands-on Introduction

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Imagine walking into a bookstore to buy a book on world economics and not being able to figure out the section of the store that has this book, assuming the bookstore has simply stacked all types of books together. You then realize how important it is to divide the bookstore into different sections based on the type of book. Topic Modelling is similar to dividing a bookstore based […]

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Introductory guide to Information Retrieval using kNN and KDTree

Introduction I love cricket as much as I love data science. A few years back (on 16 November 2013 to be precise), my favorite cricketer – Sachin Tendulkar retired from International Cricket. I spent that entire day reading articles and blogs about him on the web. By the end of the day, I had read close to 50 articles about him. Interestingly, while I was reading these articles – none of the websites suggested me articles outside of Sachin or cricket. […]

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