pylic – Python license checker

Reads pylic configuration in pyproject.toml and checks licenses of installed packages recursively. Principles: Every license has to be allowed explicitly (case-insensitive comparison). All installed packages without a license are considered unsafe and have to be listed as such. Only installed packages are checked for licenses. Packages/dependencies listed in pyproject.toml are ignored. Installation pip install pylic Configuration pylic needs be run in the directory where your pyproject.toml file is located. You can configure safe_licenses: All licenses you concider safe for usage. […]

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A rTorrent Disk Checker python script

rTorrent Disk Checker This program is capable of the following when: – a torrent is added by any program (autodl-irssi, RSS Downloader etc) – a torrent is added remotely or directly This program checks your available disk space. If your free disk space is not large enough to accommodate a pending torrent, the program will delete torrents based on criteria defined in If your disk space is still too low, the torrent will be sent to rTorrent in a […]

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Tool to check publicly accessible GCP bucket

gcp-inspector Tool to check publicly accessible GCP bucket. What it does Checks whether the GCP bucket from the list is publicly accessible or not. Provides colored description in the cli.After creating a new project and enabling billing for it, open Cloud Shell and ensure that it points to the project you just created. Prerequisites GCP account with project. Create a GCP account with project enabled Install gsutil tool from the documentation or use pip. Run “gsutil config” to configure shell. […]

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Data Quality Checker in Python

data-quality-checker Data Quality Checker in Python Check the basic quality of any dataset. Sneak Peek Requirements python 3.7 version streamlit 0.60 version pandas numpy matplotlib Usage Description for Local Run Install streamlit and other dependencies as mentioned in Requirements Clone the repository: git clone Run as streamlit run OR Simply run the web app GitHub    

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