Fully automatic light management based on conditions like motion

ad-automoli Fully automatic light management based on conditions like motion, illuminance, humidity, and other clever features. Fully automatic light management based on motion as AppDaemon app. 🕓 multiple daytimes to define different scenes for morning, noon, …💡 supports Hue (for Hue Rooms/Groups) & Home Assistant scenes🔌 switches lights and plugs (with lights)☀️ supports illumination sensors to switch the light just if needed💦 supports humidity sensors as blocker (the “shower case“)🔍 automatic discovery of lights and sensors⛰️ stable and tested by […]

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Automatically find solutions when your Python code encounters an issue

What The Python?! Helping you find answers to the errors Python spits out. Usage When you are running a python script, you might eveutally come across an error like so. $ python example/runs_with_error.py 0 1 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File “/home/cohan/github/perceptive-porcupines/Perceptive-Porcupines-Code-Jam-8/example/runs_with_error.py”, line 8, in requests.get(‘badurl’) File “/home/cohan/github/perceptive-porcupines/Perceptive-Porcupines-Code-Jam-8/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/api.py”, line 76, in get return request(‘get’, url, params=params, **kwargs) File “/home/cohan/github/perceptive-porcupines/Perceptive-Porcupines-Code-Jam-8/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/api.py”, line 61, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File “/home/cohan/github/perceptive-porcupines/Perceptive-Porcupines-Code-Jam-8/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/sessions.py”, line 528, in request prep = self.prepare_request(req) File “/home/cohan/github/perceptive-porcupines/Perceptive-Porcupines-Code-Jam-8/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/sessions.py”, line […]

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Automated systems to assist guarding corona Virus precautions for Closed Rooms

automated systems to assist guarding corona Virus precautions for Closed Rooms (e.g. Halls, offices, etc..) what is this about? to help apply corona virus precautions we implemented a system that is to be used in closed rooms as assistance to help keep people safety, the system consists of 2 applications, first is the embedded application based on AVR microcontroller which is responsible for controling Room doors, when to open and when to Not open, the door is opened in any […]

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A Python package to facilitate research on building and evaluating automated scoring models

Automated scoring of written and spoken test responses is a growing field in educational natural language processing. Automated scoring engines employ machine learning models to predict scores for such responses based on features extracted from the text/audio of these responses. Examples of automated scoring engines include Project Essay Grade for written responses and SpeechRater for spoken responses. Rater Scoring Modeling Tool (RSMTool) is a python package which automates and combines in a single pipeline multiple analyses that are commonly conducted […]

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Python library for parsing Godot scene files

This is a python library for parsing Godot scene (.tscn) and resource (.tres) files. It’s intended to make it easier to automate certain aspects of editing scene files or resources in Godot. High-level API godot_parser has roughly two levels of API. The low-level API has no Godot-specific logic and is just a dumb wrapper for the file format. The high-level API has a bit of application logic on top to mirror Godot functionality and make it easier to perform certain […]

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A library to make parallel selenium tests that automatically download

AutoParaSelenium A library to make parallel selenium tests that automatically download and setup webdrivers. Usage Installation pip install autoparaselenium Code The API is very simple from typing import Union from selenium import webdriver from autoparaselenium import configure, chrome, firefox, run_on, all_, Extension # All parameters are optional, but still call it once before everything configure( extensions=[ Extension(chrome=”path to chrome extension to install”), Extension(firefox=”path to firefox extension to install”), Extension(chrome=”chrome path”, firefox=”firefox path”) ], headless=True, # if there are chrome extensions, […]

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Pyinfra automates infrastructure super fast at massive scale

pyinfra pyinfra automates/provisions/manages/deploys infrastructure super fast at massive scale. It can be used for ad-hoc command execution, service deployment, configuration management and more. Core design features include: 🚀 Super fast execution over thousands of hosts with predictable performance. 🚨 Instant debugging with stdout & stderr output on error or as required (-v|-vv|-vvv). 📦 Extendable with any Python package as configured & written in standard Python. 💻 Agentless execution against SSH/Docker/subprocess/winrm hosts. ❗️ Two stage process that enables –dry runs before […]

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AI based process automation tool for text analysis need

Obsei Obsei is intended to be an automation tool for text analysis need. Obsei consist of – Observer, observes platform like Twitter, Facebook, App Stores, Google reviews, Amazon reviews, News, Website etc and feed that information to, Analyzer, which perform text analysis like classification, sentiment, translation, PII etc and feed that information to, Informer, which send it to ticketing system, data store, dataframe etc for further action and analysis. Current flow Future concept (Coming Soon! 🙂) Use cases Obsei use […]

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A lib version of the sports master planning code

sports_maps A lib version of the sports master planning code. Aimed a producing sport overviews for certain cities. Demoes of reports for Sedan and the Kremlin Bicetre. Repository Ownership Practice: Sport Sector: Asset management Original Author(s): Luc Jonveaux Contact Details for Current Repository Owner(s): [email protected] Data Running the Code Relatively straightforward import gpdSport data = gpdSport.dataSets() DATA = data.CreateDF(“data/) data.CreateVille(8409); #produces the an analysis for SEDAN fig = data.CreateMap(ZOOM=12) # creates a map, with a basemap zoom at 12 data.createReport(); […]

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A automatically script login to your account and joins the meeting

Auto Join Teams Meetings Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher Latest Google Chrome This script automatically logins to your account and joins the meeting you are invited in calendar meetings. Steps: git clone https://github.com/prajinkhadka/auto_join_teams.git Install python and pip pip install -r requirements.txt Edit Configuration file Example file Important params Email : email ( your college email ) Password : password Auto_leave_min : leave after certain minutes Leave_if_last: leave if you are last in the meeting Headless: if true ( GUI won’t […]

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