Gradually automate your procedures, one step at a time

Gradually automate your procedures, one step at a time Inspired by Features Main Features Converts a markdown file into interactive steps Saves results into another markdown file On 100% automated, saves results into a script file instead Ancillary features Sublists are marked like 1.1.3 (first step, first substep, third sub-substep) Go back one step Keywords All keywords are case insensitive. Starting keywords Start steps with these words to use them. Using these words also makes it clearer what you […]

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Automatically send commands to send Twitch followers to any Twitch account

Automatically send commands to send Twitch followers to any Twitch account. You just need to be in a Twitch follow bot Discord server! ⚠️This program uses a Discord self bot: It is against Discord’s TOS. Use this at your own risk or for educational purposes only. How does it work? This bot will log into your Discord account and send messages in any typical Twitch follow bot Discord server at set intervals. It will also automatically stop when it has […]

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An example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes

This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes, with the question response being on likert scale. For instance, this dataset is about the university faculty perceptions and practices of using Wikipedia as a teaching resource. The university faculties have many interesting attributes such as age, gender, years of expericence, their domain of expectrice, etc… . This survey also has many questions which makes the job of […]

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Automatically remove user join messages when the user leaves the server

Automatically remove user join messages when the user leaves the server. Installation You will need to install poetry to run this bot locally for levelopment, but running in docker is preferred for production deployment. Poetry can be installed using the following command: Windows: py -3 -m pip install poetry. Linux/Mac: python3 -m pip install poetry. To install the dependencies you can then run poetry install in the folder you cloned the repository to. You need to copy .env.example to .env […]

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CI repo for building Skia as a shared library

This repo is dedicated to building Skia binaries for use in Skija. Prebuilt binaries Prebuilt binaries can be found in releases. Building next version of Skia Update version in .github/workflows/build.yml. Building locally python3 script/ –version m91-b99622c05a python3 script/ python3 script/ To build a debug build: python3 script/ –version m91-b99622c05a python3 script/ –build-type Debug python3 script/ –build-type Debug GitHub View Github    

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A software dedicated to automaticaly select the agent of your desire in Valorant

A software dedicated to automaticaly select the agent of your desire in Valorant Before stariting to use this program check if you have installed the libraries needed for this program wich are: pyautogui keyboard tkinter Now that you have all the libraries needed is as easy to run the program Any ideas or modificatios will be thanked Progam in development a lot of agents are missing I dont responsabilice if Riot clasifies this program as a hack and ban you. […]

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An automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries

ELFXtract is an automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries Powered by Radare2 and r2ghidra This is specially developed for PWN challenges and it has many automated features It almost displays every details of the ELF and also decompiles its ASM to C code using r2ghidra Decompiling ELFs in Ghidra takes more time, but in elfxtract it decompiles and displays in few seconds Features in ELFXtract File info Shared object dependency details ELF Security Mitigation details / Checksec String […]

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An IDA Pro Python plugin that helps automate some tedious Windows Kernel Drivers reverse engineering tasks

Installation Copy DriverBuddyReloaded folder and file into the IDA plugins folder (e.g. C:Program Files (x86)IDA 7plugins) or wherever you have installed IDA. Usage To use the auto-analysis feature: Start IDA and load a Windows kernel driver. Go to Edit -> Plugins -> Driver Buddy Reloaded or press CTRL+ALT+A to start the auto-analysis. Check the “Output” window for the analysis results. To decode an IOCTLs: Place the mouse cursor on the line containing a suspected IOCTL code. Right-click and select […]

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Tool To Snipe Nitros And Participate In Raffles Automatically

Discord Nitro Sniper Y Auto Participar En Sorteos ⚠️Es Bastante Rapido Y Efectivo Hecho En Python Como Usar ( Python ) : python -m pip install httpx colorama Poner Tu Token De Discord En token.json python “Crips Nitro” Como Obtener Tu Token Aviso Y Informacion Esto puede hacer que su cuenta sea baneada si ejecuta varias instancias al mismo tiempo y / o reclama demasiados Nitros en un período de tiempo demasiado corto. Úselo bajo su propio   […]

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