Automatic Audio-to-symbolic Arrangement

This is the repository of the project “Audio-to-symbolic Arrangement via Cross-modal Music Representation Learning” by Ziyu Wang, Dejing Xu, Gus Xia and Ying Shan (arXiv:2112.15110). Model Overview We propose an audio-to-symbolic generative model to transfer an input audio to its piano arrangement (in MIDI format). The task is similar to piano cover song production based on the original pop songs, or piano score reduction based on a classical symphony. The input audio is a pop-song audio under arbitrary instrumentation. The […]

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Geographical Process Automation with Python on Esri ArcGIS and QGIS

Introducción Python es un potente lenguaje de programación interpretado con licencia de código abierto que soporta orientación a objetos y es comúnmente utilizado para la automatización de tareas en herramientas geográficas en ArcGIS Desktop y QGIS. Las herramientas que hacen parte de Python están disponibles en versiones de 32 y 64 bits, existiendo una limitante de hasta máximo 2GB en el tamaño de los archivos que pueden ser cargados en memoria para sistemas de 32 bits. Para el procesamiento profesional […]

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Automatically download all 10,000 CryptoPunk NFTs

The sole purpose of this script is to download the entire CryptoPunk NFT collection. How does it work? Basically, the website where the CryptoPunk pictures are stored lets you see the individual pictures numbered from 0000 to 9999. Since they’re all numbered chronologically, you can just pick a number, and change the image URL, and voila, you have the picture! Here’s NFT #0000, and here is NFT #6969. As you can tell, the URL remains unchanged for both except for […]

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Automatically download any NFT collection from OpenSea

The sole purpose of this script is to download any NFT collection from OpenSea. How does it work? Basically, the OpenSea website allows for scripts to reach into their system via an API. Using this API, we fetch the amount of items in the collection of choice, and split it into 50-item chunks each, and start downloading them. Everything is automated, except the name of the collection. The name of the collection has to be set manually, by opening the […]

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Simple program to play Metamon automatically

Radio Caca Important disclaimer This software is intended for use by individualsfamiliar with Python programming language. It usessensitive signature code from MetaMask wallet whichneeds to be safe and secure at all times. Make sureto inspect the code for any attempts to send yourinformation anywhere except metamon game api). We are not responsiblefor any loss incurred if you used modified versionof this code from other sources! Prerequisites To start using this program Python needs to beinstalled and some packages. The […]

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AWS EC2 S3 Automated With python

This programme is a Python3 script that utilizes Boto3 to automate the process of creating an AWS EC2 instance with an Apache web server installed on it and a S3 bucket configured for static web hosting. This script is designed for use in a Linux based operating system. This script only requires one other file to run successfully; the pre-built index.html page included in this repository. Upon completetion, the script will have launched the Apache web sebver, which will be […]

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Autosubmit your UCheck COVID-19 self-assessment form

Autosubmit your UCheck COVID-19 self-assessment form Disclaimer ucheck automatically completes the University of Tornto’s UCheck COVID-19 self-assessment form as follows: YES: “Do any of the following statements apply to you? – I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19.” NO: “Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? – Fever and/or chills (Temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius/100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher).” NO: “Is anyone you live with currently experiencing any new COVID-19 symptoms and/or waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms?” NO: […]

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Capsule Network via Bottleneck Block and Automated Gradual Pruning

A pytorch implementation of “A Novel Effective and Efficient Capsule Network viaBottleneck Residual Block and Automated GradualPruning”. Since the experimental results in the paper are based on the graphics card (Tesla k40) with low computing power, the experiments at that time were very laborious, and there was no good display of the model results. The calculation of the graphics card (GTX 1060 and 3090) used in this reproduction is higher than the former. The results in the paper will fluctuate, […]

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