A 3D engine powered by ASCII art
asciimare A 3D engine powered by ASCII art. asciimare uses ASCII characters to display 3D graphics directly in the terminal. It is powered by python curses, and renders by raycasting on voxels. asciimare utilizes the combination of 95 printable ASCII characters 8 ANSI colors in the terminal to emulate a variety of hues and brightness. It first analyzes a given font and generate a continous and uniform range of shades, e.g. Menlo.ttc ““““““““““““””””””’……——- -,,,,,______::::::::^^^^^!!~~~””””””;;;;;;rrrrr++++||()==>> >>lllll???iiiccv[]ttzzjj7*ff{{}ssYYTJJJ111unnnnyyyyIIFFFFFFF oooooowe22h3Zaa44XXX%%%555PPPP$$$mmGGAAUUUUbbbppKKK96O##H&&D [email protected]@@@@@@@@@@@@NNNNNNNNNNNN and then plays […]
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