Let’s Understand How does a chatbot work ?

Introduction A technology that makes the interaction between humans and machines in natural language possible, is an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot! They act like a typical search engine but with more enhanced features. Applications of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are spread over various domains including eCommerce, healthcare, education, travel, automation, finance, hospitality, insurance, and so on. The chatbots are domain-specific and do what they are intended for.  The applications in their domain include: answering customer queries, booking services like flights, movie tickets, […]

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BERT for Natural Language Inference simplified in Pytorch!

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction to BERT: BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It was introduced in 2018 by Google Researchers. BERT achieved state-of-art performance in most of the NLP tasks at that time and drawn the attention of the data science community worldwide. It is extensively used today by data science practitioners for various NLP tasks. Details about the working of the BERT model can be found here. Introduction to […]

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The science behind semantic search: How AI from Bing is powering Azure Cognitive Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a cloud search service that gives developers APIs and tools to build rich search experiences over private, heterogeneous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. It has multiple components, including an API for indexing and querying, seamless integration through Azure data ingestion, deep integration with Azure Cognitive Services, and persistent storage of user-owned indexed content. At the heart of Azure Cognitive Search is its full text, keyword-based search engine built on the BM25 algorithm—an industry standard in information retrieval.   We’ve found that what customers desire next is higher-quality results out of the box with less effort, enabling […]

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HEXA: Self-supervised pretraining with hard examples improves visual representations

Humans perceive the world through observing a large number of visual scenes around us and then effectively generalizing—in other words, interpreting and identifying scenes they haven’t encountered before—without heavily relying on labeled annotations for every single scene. One of the core aspirations in artificial intelligence is to develop algorithms and techniques that endow computers with a strong generalization ability to learn only from raw pixel data to make sense of the visual world, which aligns more closely with how humans […]

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AAAI 2021: Accelerating the impact of artificial intelligence

The purpose of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, according to its bylaws, is twofold. The first is to promote research in the area of AI, and the second is to promote the responsible use of these types of technology. The result was a 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21) schedule that broadens the possibilities of AI and is heavily reflective of a pivotal time in AI research when experts are asking bigger questions about how best to responsibly develop, deploy, and integrate the technology.   Microsoft and its researchers have been pursuing  

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Speller100: Zero-shot spelling correction at scale for 100-plus languages

At Microsoft Bing, our mission is to delight users everywhere with the best search experience. We serve a diverse set of customers all over the planet who issue queries in over 100 languages. In search we’ve found about 15% of queries submitted by customers have misspellings. When queries are misspelled, we match the wrong set of documents and trigger incorrect answers, which can produce a suboptimal results page for our customers. Therefore, spelling correction is the very first component in […]

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Research Collection – Shall we play a game?

From a research point of view, games offer an amazing environment in which to develop new machine learning algorithms and techniques. And we hope, in due course, that those new algorithms will feed back not just into gaming, but into many other domains. Beyond the very technical machine learning techniques themselves, gaming is an environment in which we can explore the relationship between AI and people, and see how they can work in partnership. It’s a very rich environment in […]

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Three mysteries in deep learning: Ensemble, knowledge distillation, and self-distillation

Under now-standard techniques, such as over-parameterization, batch-normalization, and adding residual links, “modern age” neural network training—at least for image classification tasks and many others—is usually quite stable. Using standard neural network architectures and training algorithms (typically SGD with momentum), the learned models perform consistently well, not only in terms of training accuracy but even in test accuracy, regardless of which random initialization or random data order is used during the training. For instance, if one trains the same WideResNet-28-10 architecture […]

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