Quickhull Algorithm implemented in Python

This is an implementation of the QuickHull algorithm in Python. It randomly generates a set of points and finds the convex hull of this set of points using the Quickhull algorithm. More details about QuickHull algorithm here: Quickhull Algorithm If this code helped you visualize and understand the Quickhull algorithm, please give this repo a star! ⭐ To get this code to run on your machine, you will need to follows these steps: Clone this repo to your local machine […]

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Learn about quantum computing and algorithm on quantum computing

this repo contains everything i learn about quantum computing and algorithm on quantum computing what is aquantum computing quantum computing is an area of study focused on the development of computer based technologies centered around the principles of quantum theory. quantum computing uses a combination of bits to perform specific computational taks. all at much higher efficiency than their classical counterparts. development of quantum computers mark a leap forward in computing capability, with massive performance gains for specifig use cases. […]

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Genetic Algorithm for Assignment Problem

A priority of preferences for teacher assignment problem Keywords k-partition; clustering; education 4.0 Abstract According to the credit training regulations, students will have to create their own learning path to complete the training program and must actively register for subjects in each of their semesters. To prepare for the student’s course registration, usually at the beginning of each semester, the training department and the head of the department will work together to carry out the following steps: (1) based on […]

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This Python package implements algorithms for multiviews (multimodals) learning

scikit-multimodallearn scikit-multimodallearn is a Python package implementing algorithms multimodal data. It is compatible with scikit-learn, a popularpackage for machine learning in Python. Documentation The documentation including installation instructions, API documentationand examples isavailable online. Installation Dependencies scikit-multimodallearn works with Python 3.5 or later. scikit-multimodallearn depends on scikit-learn (version >= 0.19). Optionally, matplotlib is required to run the examples. Installation using pip scikit-multimodallearn isavailable on PyPIand can be installed using pip: pip install scikit-multimodallearn Development The development of this package follows the […]

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Snowball compiler and stemming algorithms

Snowball is a small string processing language for creating stemming algorithms for use in Information Retrieval, plus a collection of stemming algorithms implemented using it. Snowball was originally designed and built by Martin Porter. Martin retired from development in 2014 and Snowball is now maintained as a community project. Martin originally chose the name Snowball as a tribute to SNOBOL, the excellent string handling language from the 1960s. It now also serves as a metaphor for how the project grows […]

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Framework to build and train RL algorithms

RayLink is a RL framework used to build and train RL algorithms. RayLink was used to build a RL framework, andtested in a large-scale multi-agent training environment. It can help you easily build your own workload.RayLink will connect every working node, and let you efficiently arrange your own dataflow. Because you can define anode type based on its functionality, all dataflow are more clear to researchers and developers. It’s based on ray for now, and it has implemented several new […]

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A compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python

This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python. Please make seperate folders for different topics😇 The following topics will be elaborated: Big O Time Complexity Tuples Dictionaries Lists Arrays Looping Sorting Algorithms Bubble Sort Selection Sort Insertion Sort Bucket Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort Heap Sort Tree Sort Shell Sort Count Sort Radix Sort Searching Algorithms Linear Search Binary Search Backtracking Dynamic Programming Linked List Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Circular Singly Linked […]

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Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration

Copyright (C) 2016-2018 AutoML Group Attention: This package is a reimplementation of the original SMAC tool (see reference below). However, the reimplementation slightly differs from the original SMAC. For comparisons against the original SMAC, we refer to a stable release of SMAC (v2) in Java which can be found here. The documentation can be found here. Status for master branch: Status for the development branch SMAC is a tool for algorithm configuration to optimize the parameters of arbitrary algorithms across […]

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