Call any existing AWS Lambda Function you have in a future time

lets you call any existing AWS Lambda Function you have in the future.
This functionality is achieved by dynamically managing the EventBridge Rules.
also has optimizations you can configure and extend yourself. AWS allows maximum of 300 EventBridge rules in a region. If you are expecting to create more than 300 rules, check out Optimizations section below.
Example Usage
When you set up the aws-lambda-scheduler
in your AWS environment, you can simply call it with a json data like this:
"datetime_utc": "2030-12-30 20:20:20",
"lambda_function": "arn:aws:lambda:...........",
"data": {
"any": "json",
"is": "allowed"
will create a EventBridge rule, and AWS will run the specified lambda_function
at the datetime_utc
with the given data
It’s that simple. Just remember to convert your datetime to UTC+0
timezone. That’s the timezone supported by