Building a Conversational Bot using LUIS

Companies are increasingly inclining towards having chatbots for their businesses for multiple applications. Amongst the numerous API providers in the chatbot landscape that focus on Natural Language Programming (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU), I would be demonstrating how to build a chatbot that can automate the process of scheduling interviews using Microsoft’s LUIS.
Scheduling interviews comes with a lot of challenges like finding out a suitable slot for everyone, including other participants, rescheduling an interview on a participant’s request, etc. To address all the above challenges, a bot for handling such requests would bring in operational efficiency that would reduce the time and efforts of employees.
Understanding how LUIS works
Language Understanding Intelligence Service (LUIS) – an API within Microsoft Cognitive Services, helps in enabling an application to understand what a user is wanting to say. This is achieved by LUIS by leveraging Natural Language Understanding (NLU) for transforming the words in a sentence into a machine-readable meaning representation. NLU, a subset of Natural Language Processing (NLP), helps in