Build your own AI chatbot from scratch!

It’s pretty simple!
Today we will learn to create an AI chatbot from scratch using Intent matching and NLP algorithms.
Let’s see what we are gonna do:
* Prepare our dataset with questions(keywords) and respective intents.
* Prepare a JSON file containing replies for each intent.
* Transform our data into Tf-Idf Vectors.
* Use Deep Neural Network to classify the User’s question into one of the intents the model was trained on.
* Save our model for deploying it in the future.
* Load our saved model and use it to generate replies to the user’s queries.
Preparing our Dataset:
* We need some questions or keywords and the respective intents to create a chatbot using an Intent matching algorithm.
* Here we will create a CSV file containing keywords and their respective intents in the following format ( You can use your own format, All we need