BMP180 sensor driver for Home Assistant used in Raspberry Pi

Custom component BMP180 sensor for Home Assistant.
Copy the content of this directory to your homeassistant config directory:
- example: ./config/custom_components/dev_747_BMP180/
Enable I2C communication in Raspberry via raspi-config and install dependencies for handeling I2C communication in Python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus python3-dev i2c-tools
- i2c_address: I2C address of BMP180 (typical 0x77)
- i2c_bus_num: I2C bus number (default raspberry = 1)
- name: custom name of the sensor
- mode: 0 – Ultra low power, 1 – standard, 2 – high resolution, 3 – ultra high resolution
- monitored_conditions: temperature, pressure, altitude
Exaple configuration.yaml file: