Beginner Projects to Learn Natural Language Processing using Python !

Machines understanding language fascinates me, and that I often ponder which algorithms Aristotle would have accustomed build a rhetorical analysis machine if he had the possibility. If you’re new to Data Science, getting into NLP can seem complicated, especially since there are many recent advancements within the field. it’s hard to grasp where to begin.
Table of Contents
1.What can Machines Understand?
2.Project 1:Word Cloud
3.Project 2:Spam Detection
4.Project 3:Sentiment Analysis
What can Machines Understand?
While a computer can be quite good at finding patterns and summarizing documents, it must transform words into numbers before making sense of them. This transformation is highly required because math doesn’t work very well on words and machines “learn” thanks to mathematics. Before the transformation of the words into numbers, Data cleaning is required. Data cleaning includes the removal of special characters and punctuation and modified into forms that make them more uniform and interpretable.
Project 1: Word Cloud
1.Importing Dependencies and