Anisotropic 3D Multi-Stream CNN for Accurate Prostate Segmentation from Multi-Planar MRI

Background and Objective: Accurate and reliable segmentation of the prostate gland in MR images can support the clinical assessment of prostate cancer, as well as the planning and monitoring of focal and loco-regional therapeutic interventions. Despite the availability of multi-planar MR scans due to standardized protocols, the majority of segmentation approaches presented in the literature consider the axial scans only...

Methods: We propose an anisotropic 3D multi-stream CNN architecture, which processes additional scan directions to produce a higher-resolution isotropic prostate segmentation. We investigate two variants of our architecture, which work on two (dual-plane) and three (triple-plane) image orientations, respectively. We compare them with the standard baseline (single-plane) used in literature, i.e., plain axial segmentation. To realize a fair comparison, we employ a hyperparameter optimization strategy to select optimal configurations for the individual approaches. Results: Training and evaluation on two datasets spanning multiple sites obtain statistical significant improvement over the plain axial segmentation ($p<0.05$ on the Dice similarity coefficient). The improvement can be observed especially at the base ($0.898$ single-plane vs. $0.906$ triple-plane) and apex ($0.888$ single-plane vs. $0.901$ dual-plane). Conclusion: This study indicates that models employing two or three scan directions are superior to plain axial To finish reading, please visit source site