An emulated LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball in python

An LED scoreboard for Major League Baseball. Displays a live scoreboard for your team’s game on that day.
Be sure to check out the original repo, mlb-led-scoreboard
, if you’d like to run this on a Rasperry Pi LED panel!
Currently supported boards:
- 32×32
- 64×32
- 64×64
- 128×32
- 128×64
If you’d like to see support for another set of board dimensions, file an issue!
You need Git for cloning this repo and PIP for installing the scoreboard software.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python-pip
Installing the scoreboard software
# Windows
# Mac/Linux
sh ./
It will also install the following python libraries that are required for certain parts of the scoreboard to function.