An easy-to-use Discord bot written in Python

AniSearch is an easy-to-use Discord bot written in Python that allows you to search for anime, manga, characters, staff, studios and much more directly in Discord and displays the results as paginated embeds!
You can also:
- Search for a random anime or manga of a specific genre.
- View the opening and ending themes of an anime.
- View another user’s profile with anime and manga stats from AniList, MyAnimeList or Kitsu.
- Search for the anime or the source of an image.
- View the next airing, and the most recently aired anime episodes.
- View the latest anime related news from Anime News Network and Crunchyroll.
AniSearch’s Command Prefix: as! | @AniSearch | Customizable
Parameters: <> - required, [] - optional, | - either/or