An Advanced Telegram Bot to Play Nonstop Radio/Music/YouTube Live in Channel or Group Voice Chats

An Advanced Telegram Bot to Play Nonstop Radio/Music/YouTube Live in Channel or Group Voice Chats.
This is also the source code of the bot which is being used for playing
Radio in AsmSafone Channel & Music in SafoTheBot Group.
Special Features
- Playlist, queue, 24×7 radio stream
- Supports Live streaming from youtube
- Starts Radio after if no songs in playlist
- Automatic playback even if heroku restarts
- Show current playing position of the audio
- Control with buttons and commands
- Download songs from youtube as audio
- Change Voice chat title to current playing song name
- Automatically downloads audio for the first two tracks in the playlist to ensure smooth playing
Deploy to Heroku
Deploy to Railway
NOTE: Make Sure You Have Started A Voice Chat In Your Channel/Group Before Deploying!