Advanced OpenGL in Python with PyGame and PyOpenGL

Following the previous article, Understanding OpenGL through Python where we’ve set the foundation for further learning, we can jump into OpenGL using PyGame and PyOpenGL.
PyOpenGL is the standardized library used as a bridge between Python and the OpenGL APIs, and PyGame is a standardized library used for making games in Python. It offers built-in handy graphical and audio libraries and we’ll be using it to render the result more easily at the end of the article.
As mentioned in the previous article, OpenGL is very old so you won’t find many tutorials online on how to properly use it and understand it because all of the top dogs are already knee-deep in new technologies.
In this article, we’ll jump into several fundamental topics you’ll need to know:
Initializing a Project Using PyGame
First off, we need to install PyGame and PyOpenGL if you haven’t already:
$ python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
$ python3 -m pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate
Note: You can find a more detailed installation in the previous OpenGL article.
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