Abstracts: NeurIPS 2024 with Jindong Wang and Steven Euijong Whang

JINDONG WANG: Thank you. Nice to be here.

STEVEN EUIJONG WHANG: It’s great to be here.

HUIZINGA: So, Jindong, I’ll start with you. In just a few sentences, tell us what problem your research addresses and why people should care about it.

JINDONG WANG: OK, everybody knows that with the widespread usage of large language models, hallucination has become a crucial factor of concern. Hallucination occurs when models generate false or nonexistent information. In particular, factual hallucination greatly undermines the reliability of the large language models. To correctly evaluate the hallucination, evaluating the model’s rationale is also important. Up to date, when the paper, you know, was submitted, there were no works dealing with automatic rationale evaluation systematically because, you know, most of them focused on manual evaluation or



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