A tool that allows ready or user-added logs to be sent to the specified addresses
Syslog Simulator is a tool that allows ready or user-added logs to be sent to the specified addresses and port with syslog in the selected loop.
🚀What is
It is an open source tool that allows sending logs in readable format that you can edit according to your wishes, as well as various hardware and software logs, to the target machine.
It is run with Python3 by entering the following configurations.
python3 syslogsimulator.py -s -s -s -p 514 -P tcp -r 1 -d 0.1
-s veya --server
Gereklilik : Zorunlu
Çoklu Kullanım : Evet
-p veya --port
Gereklilik : İsteğe Bağlı
Default : 514
-d veya --delay
Gereklilik : İsteğe Bağlı