A Telegram bot writen in Python for searching files in Drive

This is a Telegram bot writen in Python for searching files in Drive. Based on SearchX-bot
git clone https://github.com/breakdowns/drive-searchbot searchbot/
cd searchbot
Install requirements
sudo apt install python3
sudo snap install docker
- For Arch and it’s derivatives:
sudo pacman -S docker python
Setting up config file
cp config_sample.env config.env
- Remove the first line saying:
Fill up rest of the fields. Meaning of each fields are discussed below:
: The telegram bot token that you get from @BotFatherOWNER_ID
: The Telegram user ID (not username) of the owner of the botAUTHORIZED_CHATS
: (optional) Fill user_id and chat_id (not username) of you want to authorize, Seprate them with space, Examples:-0123456789 -1122334455 6915401739
: (optional) Only if you want to load your token.pickle externally from an Index Link. Fill this with the direct link