A telegram bot to monitor the latest NFT price on BSC

This is a telegram bot for monitoring price and ranking of NFT on Binance Smart Chain.
Can fetch latest ranking and price in real time.
: Main file to fetch transaction and log through web3..Pancake_NFT/pancake_nft.py
: Original version to fetch log from bscscan. Now aborted.
0x00 Requirement
Available for Python3.8+, recommend to use virtualenv
to run this project.
- python-telegram-bot==13.7
- web3==5.24.0
0x01 Usage
- Modify configuration in
: tgbot token of test environmentPROD_BOT_TOKEN
: tgbot token of produce environmentCOLLECTION_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
: NFT Collection ContractCONTRACT_ADDRESS
: Contract address of market place
Now, default value is fetch from PancakeSwapSquad
0x02 Interface
0x03 Rewards
If u think