A Telegram bot for remotely managing Binance Trade Bot

Binance Trade Bot Manager Telegram
A Telegram bot for remotely managing Binance Trade Bot.
I wanted to develop an easy way of managing [Binance Trade Bot] so that I wouldn’t have to constantly ssh into my VPS, and my non-techy friends could enjoy the benefits of automated trading.
As of now the bot is able to perform the following actions:
- [x] 🔍 Check bot status (running / not running)
- [x] ▶ Start Binance Trade Bot
- [x] ⏹ Stop Binance Trade Bot
- [x] 💵 Display current coin stats (balance, USD value, BTC value, initial buying price)
- [x] ➗ Display current coin ratios
- [x] 📈 Display progress (how much more of a certain coin you gained since you started using Binance Trade Bot)
- [x] ⌛ Display trade history
- [x]