A Step-by-Step NLP Guide to Learn ELMo for Extracting Features from Text


I work on different Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems (the perks of being a data scientist!). Each NLP problem is a unique challenge in its own way. That’s just a reflection of how complex, beautiful and wonderful the human language is.

But one thing has always been a thorn in an NLP practitioner’s mind is the inability (of machines) to understand the true meaning of a sentence. Yes, I’m talking about context. Traditional NLP techniques and frameworks were great when asked to perform basic tasks. Things quickly went south when we tried to add context to the situation.

The NLP landscape has significantly changed in the last 18 months or so. NLP frameworks like Google’s BERT and Zalando’s Flair are able to parse through sentences and grasp the context in which they were written.



Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo)

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