A Static Site and Blog Generator build with python

In goes content, out comes a website, ready to deploy.
Why Static Websites?
Static websites are safer, use fewer resources, and avoid vendor and platform lock-in. You can read more about this in the Nikola Handbook
What Can Nikola Do?
It has many features, but here are some of the nicer ones:
- Blogs, with tags, feeds, archives, comments, etc.
- Themable
- Fast builds, thanks to doit
- Flexible, extensible via the dozens of available plugins
- Small codebase (programmers can understand all of Nikola core in a day)
- reStructuredText or Markdown as input language (also Wiki, BBCode, Textile, and HTML)
- Easy image galleries (just drop files in a folder!)
- Syntax highlighting for almost any programming language or markup
- Multilingual sites, translated to 50 languages.
- Doesn’t reinvent