A state-of-the-art library for parsing multinational street addresses using deep learning
Here is deepparse.
Deepparse is a state-of-the-art library for parsing multinational street addresses using deep learning.
Use deepparse to
- Use the pre-trained models to parse multinational addresses,
- retrain our pre-trained models on new data to parse multinational addresses,
- retrain our pre-trained models with your own prediction tags easily.
Read the documentation at deepparse.org.
Deepparse is compatible with the latest version of PyTorch and Python >= 3.7.
Countries and Results
We evaluate our models on two forms of address data
- clean data which refers to addresses containing elements from four categories, namely a street name, a
municipality, a province and a postal code, - incomplete data which is made up of addresses missing at least one category amongst the aforementioned ones.
You can get our dataset here.